Visit ETH Zürich

Visit ETH Zürich

Thursday, December 5, 2024
On line
10:00am to 5:00pm
Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland

We invite you to join us for a visit to ETH Zürich to celebrate the end of the year 2024 together. This event will be an opportunity to discover this academic institution and to dive into cutting-edge innovations in science and technology. This event will be conducted entirely in English.

Program of the day:

10:00am: Welcome of participants

10:15: Faculty presentations (each presentation will last 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion)

  1. Prof. Jan Vermant, Soft Materials Group, “Processing of polymeric systems : building up structures and breaking down molecules”
  2. Dr. Catharina Bening, Group for Sustainability in Technology, “System challenges for sustainable circular plastics”
  3. Dr. Daniel Werner, Inspire AG (strategic partner of ETH), “State and Future of 3D printing and Plastic powders: An overview of new materials an innovation concerning Powder Bed Fusion”
  4. Dr. Markus Zogg, Inspire AG, “Sustainable lightweight structures made of fiber reinforced polymers”
  5. Prof. André Studart, Complex Materials Group, “Using bacteria and printers to make and shape polymers”
  6. Prof. André Bardow, Energy and Process Systems Engineering Group, “Towards plastics within planetary boundaries”

12:30: Quick lunch (sandwiches)

12:30 - 13:00: General introduction to ETH Zürich

13:45: Coffee and cake break at the Innovation Park

14:30: Innovation Park - General introduction, quick guided tour and project presentations by student teams

16:30: End of the event

17:00: Optional - Walk through Zurich Christmas markets

Join us for this day rich in discoveries and exchanges, and take advantage of the opportunity to immerse yourself in an academic and technological environment while celebrating the end of the year.

Innovation Park

Register for the event

Thursday, December 5, 2024
En ligne
10:00am to 5:00pm
Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland

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